
With all the Gurus in the world, David McPhan Consulting cuts through the noise, giving 100% results in the shortest time possible.

With multiple offerings from Business coaching, personal development, Systems Creation, Business Automation, along with landscape design, construction and project management.

Why David McPhan

Now, when you are thinking of a future where you live the life of your dreams, to wake up and find you are not even close to a tenth of where you want to be, this is where David McPhan can help. 

The reason WHY I started the business, was to challenge the current dynamic within the self help and personal development industry. By cutting through the noise, the many gurus, lack of authentic information and give YOU the best opportunity to reach your goals and ambitions. I formulate a tailored solution to give you the tools and resources to grow to the next level, with one on one coaching, group events, and genuine information so you can make informed decisions.

With years of knowledge and studies of psychology, NLP, behavioural patterns, habits, Hypnosis and my own personal transformation of success, I understand what it takes to take your life, business or simply your thinking to the next level to set you up for the best outcome.

When we ask ourselves where am I at? Where do I want to be? Do I have the financial independence I truly want? Is my business where I expect it to be? THEN, get in touch with the team for a discovery session where we can unlock the real reason you are not where you want to be, and fast track the process.

Who I am

I came off the back end of a lifetime of helping people and the satisfaction of helping others reach greater heights.

From over 10 years of a professional sporting career I have played at the highest levels of AFL, just under the Australian AFL Teams. My Career ended with a torn patella tendon off my knee, which was the decision to start my professional Career. Having been at the Elite level of sport, with ice recovery, mental training, Sprint Coaches, PT’s and dieticians over my successful career, I have acquired over 28 years of mindset hacks, rewarding habits and smart processes to achieve success at the highest levels.

Having owned and operated several businesses over the last 10 years whilst also raising a little family, I understand the struggles and challenges of a balanced lifestyle. I strongly believe in designing your life to create the lifestyle and hobbies you want, whilst creating the business or Career path that can financially take you there…. FAST… 

In my Professional career I have managed and successful made 30% plus profit on over $30 Million Dollars with of Construction projects, with a design focus and customer satisfaction, I have a rounded approach to succeeding in your health and business, no matter what your adversities.



Learning life lessons

This Blog is designed to enlighten people with a better understanding of the mind, body and spirit, along with ways of thinking, my morning routines, different ideas for workouts, structuring business systems, and much more.

Due to my natural inclination to research everything in great detail, I have a vast knowledge of all aspects of mental and physical health, have read multiple thesis papers and have also contributed to clinical trails within one of my businesses, which means I understand the neuroplasticity of the brain to the autophagy of cells, and the simplicity of the body and brain.

Come on a journey with me to understand yourself, your business and your life in these Blogs which are FREE information and hopefully help you to understand YOU better. If you want to work with us further please don’t hesitate to contact us. here

Creating Self Change

Having worked with thousands of clients over the last several years, I have noticed that the information that people have been given is quite often misleading, shallow in content and not often achievable. There are several Audiobooks, Podcasts, Youtubers and the likes, suggesting all these ‘success’ habits, rituals or routines. Now the routines that these …


For all Enquires please Email us on the link below, we look forward to working with you, to achieve the lifestyle and career of your dreams.

Ready to level up – Click Here